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Name: Test Email:test@test.test Phone: 9876543210 | 1.1 | 1.1 | 1.1 | 1.1 |
ASHA’s inputs for the Pesticides Management Bill 2019
As a new Pesticides Management Bill was listed for introduction in the Parliament in the Winter Session of 2019, Alliance for Sustainable & Holistic Agriculture submitted its inputs on such a proposed statute, based on the version of the Bill that the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare had put out in 2018. ASHA argues that regulation has to reflect the evolution of evidence around the ill effects of pesticides, as well as the post-modern science of pest management.
Monitoring of Pesticide Residues at National Level, 2019 Report
The 2019 report is now available on the FSSAI website :
Pesticides-related news articles
1) India and 16 other countries complain to WTO about EU's reduced pesticide residue limits not being backed by science.
2) Thousands of migratory birds died in Jaipur, pesticide laden seed suspected to have been the reason behind it.
3) A new study uses primary survey data collected from Vidarbha, Maharashtra, to analyse pest attacks and pest management practices among cotton farmers who are at the risk of long-term exposure to toxic pesticides. We find that despite a reduction in bollworm infestations, secondary pest pressure is high. Farmers use pesticides indiscriminately and there is widespread practice of using “pesticide cocktails.” Farmers also mix pesticides with fertilisers. The use of weedicides and “tonics” is also widely prevalent. Farmers who perceive pesticides as yield-enhancing input spent more per acre on them. These findings raise concerns about the role of agricultural input dealers in filling up the agricultural information void for pest management.
4) ‘Raising awareness, compliance were key to reducing pesticide use’: Punjab Agriculture Secretary, Kahan Singh Pannu, states that Punjab has been able to cut down its pesticide use quite significantly.
5) A pesticide series special by Deccan Herald (on risk of multiple pesticide residues, lack of science in pesticide management in India and how farmers, consumers and ecology fall prey to pesticides):
6) Maharashtra state government doubles compensation for pesticide inhalation deaths from Rs 2 lakhs to Rs 4 lakhs.
EU bans UK’s most-used pesticide over health and environment fears
The Guardian, 29 Mar 2019
Officials say chlorothalonil poses high risk to wildlife and may potentially harm humans
Pesticide Action Network Calls for Legally Binding Treaty for Highly Hazardous Pesticides
Pesticide Action Network International, 26 Mar 2019
PAN redoubles its call for a global legally binding mechanism for the lifecycle management of pesticides, either as a new standalone treaty or as a legally binding protocol within a new overarching chemicals framework to phase out Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs). PAN is releasing updated versions of two documents underlining the strong need for a legally binding treaty to ban HHPs. These are a PAN International List of Highly Hazardous Pesticides and a PAN International Consolidated List of Banned Pesticides.
Monsanto’s Weed Killer is “Substantial Factor” in Cancer, Says Jury
The Real News Network, 22 Mar 2019
Monsanto is about to face 11,200 more trials over the potential carcinogen in Roundup, which has prompted legislation to limit the chemical’s use
Another guilty verdict for Monsanto as jury finds weed-killer was a ‘substantial factor’ in causing man’s cancer
AlterNet, 20 Mar 2019
In a landmark verdict against Monsanto that could have far-reaching implications, a federal jury on Tuesday found that the weed-killer Roundup was “a substantial factor” in causing a 70-year-old plaintiff’s cancer.…