160 global groups have called for a moratorium on new 'genetic extinction' technology at the UN Convention on Biological Diversity meeting in Cancun, Mexico. Gene drive technology, they say, poses serious and irreversible threats to biodiversity, national sovereignty, peace and food security.
Herbicide-resistant ‘superweeds’ and GM crops
Herbicide-resistant "superweeds" change their mating strategies over time, an evolutionary shift that helps them hold onto valuable genes and outcompete other plants, including herbicide-resistant genetically modified (GM) crops, according to a new study from University of Michigan.The study examined the relationships between plant mating systems and herbicide resistance in the common agricultural weed morning glory.The researchers found that morning glory populations that have evolved resistance to the herbicide Roundup rely on self-fertilization more than susceptible populations do.
The hidden agenda behind GM Mustard
Ignoring the assurance given to ban GM crops before it came to power, the BJP led NDA government is fast tracking the process to give clearance to genetically modified mustard seeds. The pretext is: GM mustard is developed by Deepak Pental, an Indian scientist with the support of Public Sector. It is not a product of Multinational Seed Company.
Boulder County to proceed with phasing out GMO crops
Boulder County will proceed with a policy and plan for phasing out the growing of genetically modified corn and sugar beets on county-owned farmland, county commissioners decided on a 2-1 Wednesday night vote.
US farmers in retreat from “all-GMO”
There is a wave of revolt in the kingdom of GMOs. Driven by lower cereal prices, some US farmers are wondering if they still have an interest in growing genetically modified crops, which cost them up to twice as much to plant than conventional seeds. The debate on GMOs that is emerging in the United States is far removed from European concerns about public health and biodiversity. It’s about a completely different aspect: the return on investment.
Vital soil fungi damaged by GMO Bt cotton
A study of GMO cotton varieties shows they disrupt an important beneficial soil fungus, writes Eva Sirinathsinghji, apparently due to the Bt insecticide they are engineered to express. Disruption caused by the transgenic cotton to mycorrhizal fungi, and the wider soil ecosystem, may underlie the low yields and poor pest resistance now endemic among Bt GM crops.
Monsanto GM corn MON810 damaged the intestines of rats – new study
Rats fed GM Bt corn MON810 for only 90 days suffered serious damage to the surface mucous membranes of the jejunum (part of the small intestine), according to a new study.
Superweeds: It’s game over for GM herbicide-tolerant crops
The widespread planting of GM glyphosate-tolerant crops has led to the spread of glyphosate-resistant weeds. Attempts to control the weeds through the use of other herbicides are not always effective as weeds often are resistant to those chemicals too, even before they are used. At best this practice can provide only a temporary solution.
GHMC asks data on GE importer
Hyderabad: GHMC food safety officials have written to the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India seeking details of the firm SR International which supplied genetically engineered products that were illegally imported from the United States.
Organic standards will exclude next generation of GMOs
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The National Organic Standards Board voted unanimously on Friday to update U.S. organic standards to exclude ingredients derived from next generation genetic engineering and gene editing.