
New Delhi, 8 Aug 2018

Gazette Notification signals immediate ban on registration, import, manufacture, formulation, transport, and sale of 11 pesticides (Benomyl, Carbaryl, Diazinon, Fenarimol, Fenthion, Linuron, MEMC, Methyl Parathion, Sodium Cyanide, Thiometon, and Tridemorph), restricts the use of 1 pesticide to wheat (Trifluralin), and bans the import, manufacture and formulation of a further 6 pesticides (Alachlor, Dichlorvos, Phorate, Phosphamidon, Triazophos, and Trichlorfon) with effect from the 1st January, 2019 with these 6 pesticides' use to be completely banned as of 31st December, 2020.

Down To Earth, 26 Jul 2018

The WHO says it causes cancer and studies link it to many diseases. Countries have been struggling to ban or restrict its use. But a new movement to ban this chemical is gaining ground