The Guardian, 24 Jul 2018
Testifying in landmark trial, former school groundskeeper describes suffering allegedly caused by company’s chemicals
The Guardian, 24 Jul 2018
Testifying in landmark trial, former school groundskeeper describes suffering allegedly caused by company’s chemicals
Down To Earth, 20 Jul 2018
The level of pesticide is much higher among 11-15-year-old girls as compared to boys in the same age group
The New Indian Express, 19 Jul 2018
Believe it or not, children in Hyderabad are consuming 10 to 40 times more pesticides in their food than children in Europe, USA or Canada.
The Indian Express, 19 Jul 2018
Dr Ramanjaneyulu stressed over the urgent need for Punjab to turn to natural and organic farming, need for policy change and enhancement in research and regulations and most importantly, government support to support organic farming and farmers
FAO, 2018
"An extensive review of scientific research about the effects of pesticide use on soil functions was recently undertaken by the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soil (FAO and ITPS, 2017). The main scientific-based evidence presented in this work showed an increase in the farmers’ net return when they applied pesticides, however the benefits of pesticide use are usually assessed by comparing use of synthetic pesticides versus no use of pesticides rather than comparing synthetic pesticides to biological control of pests (Cai, 2008). Negative associated impacts of specific pesticides on soil organisms and soil functions have been also reported." (p.52)
"For example pesticides that have been taken off the market in High Income Countries (HICs) due to their severe adverse effects on human health and the environment frequently remain registered in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs). As pesticides residues can be found throughout the entire ecosystem, pesticide monitoring programmes about the level of residues in soils, surface and groundwater as well as and drinking water but particularly in food items are very important. However, in many low and middle income countries monitoring programmes are inexistent due to their scarcity of regulation capacity" (p.53).
Down To Earth, Vibha Varshney, 13 Jul 2018
The objective is to curb the illegal use of herbicide-tolerant BT cotton
The Wire, Leah Utyasheva and Michael Eddleston, 13 Jun 2018
Pesticide poisoning is the leading method of suicide among both men and women in the country. It is also the method that is easiest to prevent – by banning and removing highly hazardous ones from agricultural practice through legislation.
Hindustan Times, 22 Mar 2018
The deaths were reported between financial years 2013-14 and 2017-18
Chemistry World, 15 Feb 2018
The northern Indian state of Punjab has moved to ban 20 pesticides. This comes as the nation as a whole is attempting to crackdown on pesticides that are most harmful to human health and the environment. The pesticides banned include phosphamidon, endosulfan, triazophos, alachlor and monochrotophos. Many of these chemicals are banned in a number of countries but are still in use in many parts of India. The Stockholm Convention banned endosulfan in more than 120 countries in 2011, including India.
New Delhi: The deaths of farmers in Maharashtra, Odisha and now in Tamil Nadu allegedly due to pesticide poisoning have yet again brought into focus the regulatory regime for agro-chemicals. Pesticides and agro-chemicals are governed by the Insecticides Act, 1968, and Insecticides Rules, 1971, which regulate import, registration, manufacture, sale, transport, distribution and use of insecticides (pesticides).