Pesticides Used in India, Banned Elsewhere
As a response to Rajya Sabha Starred Question No. 100 on 05/08/2011, about "Steps to ban globally banned chemicals" being used in India, the following was the information provided by the Minister for Agriculture on 67 pesticides that have been banned or severely restricted in other countries including in Europe and USA.
List of Pesticides which have been banned/severely restricted in some countries but are used in India

S. No. Name of the Pesticide S. No. Name of the Pesticide
1 Acephate 35 Kasugamycin
2 Alachlor 36 Linuron
3 Aluminum Phosphide 37 Lindane
4 Atrazine 38 Methomyl
5 Benfuracarb 39 Methoxy Ethyl Mercury Chloride
6 Benomyl 40 Methyl Parathion
7 Bifenthrin 41 Malathion
8 Butachlor 42 Mancozeb
9 Captan 43 Mepiquat Chloride
10 Carbaryl 44 Metaldehyde
11 Carbendazim 45 Monocrotophos
12 Carbofuran 46 Oxyflurofen
13 Chlorfenapyr 47 Paraquat Dichloride
14 Carbosulfan 48 Pendimethalin
15 Chlorothalonil 49 Phorate
16 Chlorpyriphos 50 Phosphomidon
17 Dezomet 51 Pretilachlor
18 DDT 52 Propargite
19 Deltamethrin 53 Propineb
20 Diazinon 54 Quinalphos
21 Dichlorovos 55 Sodium cyanide
22 Dicofol 56 Sulfosulfurone
23 Diflubenzuron 57 Thiodecarb
24 Dimethoate 58 Thiometon
25 Dinocap 59 Thiphanate Methyl
26 Diuron 60 Thiram
27 Endosulfan 61 triazophos
28 Ethofenprox 62 trichlorofon
29 Fenpropathrin 63 tridemorph
30 Fenarimol 64 trifluralin
31 Fenitrothion 65 Zinc Phosphide
32 Fenthion 66 Zineb
33 Iprodione 67 Ziram
34 2,4-D