Tag Archives: #BanGMMustard

नई दिल्ली। जीएम मस्टर्ड का विरोध करते हुए आज गांधी जयंती पर 18 राज्यों के हजारों लोग ‘सरसों सत्याग्रह’ अभियान में शामिल हुए और इस पर पर जोर दिया कि हाइब्रिड किस्म ‘अवांछित, गैर जरूरी और असुरक्षित’ है।

NEW DELHI: P. Pardha Saradhi is a Professor in Environmental Studies at University of Delhi. After attaining stature of first team in the world to successfully develop transgenic Indian mustard genotypes through genetic transformation, his team was also successful in developing other transgenic crop plants, viz. chickpea, sorghum, tomato and rice, with enhanced tolerance to salt, water and temperature stresses. The Citizen’s INDRA SHEKHAR SINGH speaks to the professor on a host of issues:

GM-Free Karnataka and the Karnataka Alliance for Safe Food have announced a 'Sasive Satyagraha' event in Bangalore on October 2, 2016, to be held at the Gandhi Statue at Anand Rao Circle, Bangalore from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. This is primarily a citizens' awareness and call-to-action campaign to protest against the approval of the commercial release of genetically modified varieties of mustard (GM Mustard) in the country.