Tag Archives: #BanGMMustard

Even as a designated regulatory panel has got a favourable opinion on genetically-modified (GM) mustard from its bio-safety committee, several states, including Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, the two top producers of the oilseed, have come out against it. The development could thwart the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee’s (GEAC) reported plan to allow commercial cultivation of a GM mustard variety developed by scientists at Delhi University. If allowed, GM mustard will be the first genetically-engineered food crop to be cultivated in India; the previous UPA government had put a moratorium on commercial cultivation of Bt brinjal in 2010.

NEW DELHI: A day after seeking Prime Minister Narendra Modi's intervention to ensure that no permission is given to the genetically modified (GM) mustard, the RSS-backed outfit - Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM) - submitted a 'blank paper' to the central biotech regulator on Wednesday, the last day of the 30-day period meant to receive stakeholders' comments on the application of the transgenic variety of oilseed.

Why write a book on GM in food? That too, written by a molecular biologist specialist of GMOs and pesticides, and a Chef researching delicious organic food devoid of pesticides that we know are poisonous? It is just to create awareness that a world mafia exists behind the poisoning of the world’s food culture and its systems. Currently, India is debating the introduction of the herbicide tolerant GM mustard.

NAGPUR: Activists, scientists and experts continue to oppose the ongoing process for clearance to GM mustard by the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC). They claim the process of calling for any comments by the public till Wednesday by the GEAC itself is flawed as is the science behind the development of the GM hybrid DMH-11 (Dhara Mustard Hybrid-11).

The Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC) and the BJP-led NDA Government seem to be in an undue haste to commercially release GM Mustard. This is despite the absence of any credible regulatory mechanism that can conduct long-term tests and ensure bio-safety concerns can be addressed. The data has also not been made public despite repeated efforts and even order from Central Information Commissioner. There have been different claims of conflict of interest as well as questionable claims being made regarding the productivity of the GM Mustard. It is notable that the herbicide tolerant variety will be compatible with Bayer’s herbicide and given the fact that Bayer has recently acquired Monsanto and plans are afoot to take over other agribusinesses too, the move will undoubtedly promote monopoly of Bayer and open gates for unbridled profiteering. The implications of the use of herbicides on health of humans, animals and environment are also cause for concern. Another concern that has been expressed is regarding the livelihood impact on poor peasants and agricultural workers who earn through the weeding operations. Many States have also come out against the commercial release of GM Mustard. It is relevant to understand the reasons for such a position by States and in a federal system such decisions cannot be imposed without taking States into confidence.